in the city

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8-26-01 // 10.58 am

further you go the less you know

NP: James - "Laid"

I just wanted a cup of something hot to drink whilst writing this entry. But my coffee maker decided it wanted to get all clogged up & malfunction, spewing coffee grounds and sickly brown water all over my kitchen counter. I would've saved myself this infinite hassle by making some tea instead, but I seem to be out of tea. So now I'm settling for a glass of orange juice (which isn't even hot at all), and a packet of generic pop tarts.

This has just been a shitty weekend. Despite the fact that we had some good rains. Despite the fact that I had a lengthy, rather brilliant walk yesterday afternoon. It's still been shitty. Reminders everywhere that this is not where I'm meant to be anymore.

Later I'm going to the movies. Alone. Which hardly seems worth it, but dammit, I'm seeing this flick one way or the other.

then / now