in the city

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8-26-02 // 8.52 am

no one fears the darkness, no one fears the number six

NP: Kevin Gilbert & Thud - "Live at the Troubadour"

The weekend was great, it was relaxing and at our own pace, it was over much too soon. I want it back, badly. At least this work week shouldn't be nearly as bad as the last couple, and when it's over, there's a three day weekend.

Tonight I'm going to a minor league baseball game with my dad and my grandfathers. To be honest, I wish it was another night, as I'm kind of tired and feeling generally Monday-ish, you know? Plus, I'd rather stay in with Erin tonight, go to the gym and then chill out. But I'm going to the game, because I haven't seen my dad for a while, and he's really excited that I'm coming out, etc.

Driving to work, I realized that school is starting back up again. Yellow buses are everywhere, as are kids standing on streetcorners waiting for their ride. It made me think of my first days of school. Regardless of age or level, there was something about the way the first day of school felt, you know? Whether it was riding my bike to grade school, waiting for the bus at the start of high school, or walking tree-lined streets on my way to the college campus, there was always that feeling...warm, still summery, yet maybe like it was now officially not summer anymore. It was always that warmth, that sticky midwestern sludge of an atmosphere and hazy, filtered sun that did it, I think.

I said it was the Human League, Erin said it was Tommy Tutone. It's actually Dead or Alive. I just thought that was funny. This isn't really related, but I love that she listens without prejudice. That is such a rare quality, and it's so refreshing.

It's nearly 9 o'clock and it's still quiet and calm here in the lab. If it stayed like this all day, I would not complain one bit.

then / now