in the city

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8-28-01 // 11.07 pm

you try so hard you get it wrong

NP: Embrace - "Drawn from Memory"

Ah, the bachelor lifestyle. Earlier I went down to my neighborhood Rhodes (local quick stop chain) in flip-flops and purchased a bag of tortilla chips and a Foster's 'giant lager'. I'm livin' it up single man style. Which is good. I don't think I celebrate that sort of thing nearly enough.

[Debatably interesting tangent: the can of Foster's I buy isn't brewed in Australia at all. It comes from Toronto. Which I've known for years but for some reason seem to forget until each time I pick up one of the giant blue oil drums. In any case...for those of you outside of North America...where does, say, your Budweiser come from? Is it brewed locally (i.e. within your country's borders) or is it brought in from elsewhere? This is a completely ridiculous thing to contemplate but hey, it's not like there's much else that needs my attention at the moment.]

Started my new part-time job today. I wasn't in the mailroom, instead they sent me out on the package delivery route with the guy who normally runs it. So I spent most of an opressive Midwestern afternoon in a van hauling UPS packges to the various campus buildings. The thing is, it was all oddly satisfying. Kind of like my beer delivery job last Christmas. Though it is no secret that I don't mind at all a good day's manual labor.

What else...oh yeah, I'll be glad when I'm rid of my current roommate. Granted, we go way back, but these days as far as being both a friend and roommate goes, it's just not the ideal situation. He doesn't go to school anymore, he doesn't have a job, he's not looking for a job. He just goes out every night to hang with drag queens and various other people of an annoying stature. He comes in at dawn and sleeps 'til late afternoon. In my opinion, he's way too cynical and sarcastic for someone who relies on someone else (i.e. me) to do all the cleaning and upkeep around the apartment. I may not be the world's most ambitious man, but I like to keep busy and I like a bit of direction in my life. Living with the most directionless man ever born just doesn't mesh so well with me anymore.

Lately (and this is a wonderful thing), I feel like my life should be punctuated with a punchy horn section. Trumpets. I hear trumpets.

then / now