in the city

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8-30-01 // 11.09 pm

the sun's not yellow it's chicken

NP: Bob Dylan - "Highway 61 Revisited"

A little while ago I went over to the university campus to pick my sister up for a food run. I wondered why there were so many girls dressed up like whores standing in the circle & walking to the parking lots. Then I remembered that it's Thursday. It's been long enough since I've lived on campus that I forgot that Thursday is the big party night. See, at this university, there really isn't any significant weekend scene. For various, lameoid reasons, tons of kids go home every weekend. Kind of hard to get things going when no-one's around. So anyway, as a result of the weekly evacuations, Thursday night evolved into some sort of Friday night substitute. And there are people everywhere. But especially freshman/sophomore looking girls...all dressed up like they're about to go work the corner in pre-Julianni Times Square. It's both entrancing and enough to induce a good round of head-shaking in yours truly.

More Thursday night hilarity can be found earlier on my entrace along the road that leads to my sister's dorm. See, at my uni, fraternities and sororities have on-campus houses. It's university housing. Well, the uni calls it "group housing" to maintain the illusion that any group of sufficient size could theoretically use it...but since the houses have gigantic Greek letters on the sides, no-one's really fooling anybody. But to get back to my story...if you approach my sister's dorm, you pass by the on-campus Greek housing. And on Thursday nights, there are huge throngs of frat and sorority people out standing where the housing meets the parking lot. They're all waiting for a big yellow school bus to pick them up and take them to a party at the off-campus house of some frat or another. For four plus years I've been consistently amused by the sight of all these made-up girls and date-rapist looking guys getting on a school bus late at night.

In other news, I'm loving my new job. It's actually rather fun & it leaves me pleasantly tired at the end of my shift. At least when I have to go out and deliver all the UPS packages, anyway. But in any case, I'm digging my coworkers & I'm enjoying postal life. And that's a good thing considering there are much worse things I could be doing for minimum wage. I know because I've done many of them.

This evening I took a rather nice half hour nap after dinner and before I started on this paper I had to write for a class. Oh it was joyous to just drift off for a while.

Tomorrow is Friday. Too bad that Friday is my most congested day (schedule-wise) of the week. At least I'll be on the road come evening.

then / now