in the city

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8-30-02 // 10.20 am

we'll get it all down on video 8

NP: Marillion - "Anoraknophobia"

Went to the gym again last night, it felt great. Got in more weight training type stuff, in addition to aerobic, fake stair climbing type stuff. Tiring, but also energizing, if that makes any sort of sense at all.

Tonight there will be pizza, and hot wings, and beer. Oh yes. It'll be an evening of coming home from work, crashing, calling for delivery, and then proceeding to commit three or so of the deadly sins.

Have you ever noticed how a banana (when held properly) closely resembles a phaser from the original "Star Trek" series? I mean, who among us hasn't shot a "banana pistol" as a child. But upon closer inspection using the sophistication of adulthood, I'd have to go with phaser over pistol.

I got an email from my college pal Jon G today. It would appear that after disappearing from Cape last year, he is currently in Milwaukee, and is "chillin'". He also appears to still be smoking large amounts of pot, considering his email address is of the domain "".

Today is one of those days where I want to be outside. Yeah, it's a bit warm, but it's not unbearable. The sky is a deep, rich blue. I think there's a light breeze. In any case, I'd like to be out there right now, just walking around, or sitting on a city street, reading the paper and drinking a cup of tea or something.

Three day weekend begins in less than six hours. I can't wait to be out of here. I can't wait to be home. I can't wait to spend the weekend with Erin.

Today I want to sing. I feel especially alive.

then / now