in the city

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9-2-03 // 9.06 am

down in the lair well I met her there

NP: The Church - "Starfish"

I pried myself out of bed this morning, away from warm, soft Erin, away from sheets and rest, and I resigned myself to face going back to work after the long weekend. I get showered, dressed, I feed the pets and tuck the blankets back around a sleeping Erin and say goodbye. I walk out the front door and am hit by a rainstorm of Old Testament proportions. I get drenched just running the 30 feet or so to my car, and I crawled to work going 25 miles per hour on the interstate due to the fact that inbetween avoiding driving through flash-flood lakes and attempting to not get hit by people skidding around on the road, I could barely see the car in front of me. So yeah, I finally arrived to the office, ran as fast as I could in dress shoes to the door, getting wet all over again, and now I'm sitting here in an air conditioned lab with that "chilled to the bone" feeling. I hope this isn't an auspicious beginning to the day, as I don't think I could handle it.

Alright, time to clean out one of these frighteningly dirty coffee mugs and go get a cup. I need some warming up. Though what I really need is to be transported right back to bed, which is where I should've stayed on a day like this.

then / now