in the city

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9-4-04 // 5.04 pm

once in a while I return to the fold

NP: Finn Brothers - "Everyone Is Here"

Got up early this morning to finish moving my parents. Everyone was there, it went rather quicky, and I'm pretty sure I exercised muscles I haven't used in years moving things like refrigerators. The house looked so strange being totally empty, it echoed like a cavern. I inspected everything one last time before we closed the doors for one last time. I checked out little things, like that indented spot on the hallway closet where the rubber stop mechanism that was meant to stop the door handle from banging against the wall actually dug a little pit into the door itself. I looked at the weird kitchen & the downstairs shelves, sagging after years of holding stuff. My dad's workshop in the garage was empty. I checked out my old bedroom one last time before leaving -- it actually looked way smaller totally empty. Not sure how that works. The only thing that still looked like it should was the backyard, flowers and trees in bloom. So yeah, it all got me a little choked up, but not too much. Lots of great memories in that place, but I still have those even if the building is going to be occupied by new people.

then / now