in the city

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9-6-04 // 12.10 pm

"the west coast has moved over a few states"

I slept till 11 o'clock this morning, which is pretty unheard of for me. Slept in till 10 o'clock yesterday. But hey, I guess my body needed it.

Last night we went to a carnival after Erin got off work. Sadly, as I discovered a few years ago, round-and-round rides make me nauseous to the extreme. So thankfully, Erin's cousin and aunt happened to be there as well, so she had a rides companion. I used the time to watch the proceding while eating a BBQ sandwich and drinking a dollar cup of beer. Bless those carnivals.

Since Erin started her semester a few weeks ago, I think I've still been adjusting to us not really having much common time again. I realize it's not her fault that in order to go to school during the day she has to work in the evenings. And I know she doesn't like it just as I do. But still, it kind of stinks. Oh well, I just need to adjust and really enjoy the time we do get to spend together. I probably also need to not make such a big deal out of this.

There's a "Seinfeld" marathon on TV right now. Of any show ever, I find that this is the one that I can actually watch over and over again.

Today there will be barbecues, baseball and the joy of not being at work on a Monday. This is cause for celebration!

then / now