in the city

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9-6-03 // 12.28 am

weekend at bernie's

Julie is here from Mt. Vernon and we're all hanging around, watching music videos and having a few drinks. Proper.

Julie and Erin want to give me a mohawk. I do not concur that this would be a prudent course of action.

The final insult: my bottle of Guinness (that's the extra stout) is now brewed in fucking Toronto. I mean, it's brewed in Canada by Guinness, but still, it doesn't come from St. James Gate anymore! Sad. First it was Fosters, then Carlsberg, and now the black lemonade. What is this world coming to?

It is so nice and cool outside tonight, it's absolutely perfect. It's felt very much like fall the past few days, and it's putting me in an inordinately good mood. I love fall, I love the angle of the sun, the cool of the air, the lengthening of shadows. I'm always going on about spring, but I think fall is my favorite season if I really think about it.

OK, that's it.

then / now