in the city

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9-7-04 // 4.24 pm

the west country

I'm home a bit early today, but I've relegated myself to the back room while Erin finishes some last minute algebra problem sets.

Back to work today after the long weekend, wish I could've had another few days at the very least. At least the first day back wasn't too out of the ordinary.

I managed to leave a few hours early so I could head down to renew my license plates. I'd done all of the other legwork (emissions test, safety inspection) on Friday, but the DMV offices closed before I could make it down there that day. So I headed to the tiny office in Clayton (in an attempt to beat what I figured would be huge crowds in Maplewood) and waited. Well, actually I first went to the county dept. of revenue a few blocks away to get a copy of my '02 property tax waiver. My "take a number" number was 666! Anyway, the DMV was super crowded but moved quickly. I got my '05 tags and I'm set to go.

I didn't feel like shaving this morning so I did it a few minutes ago here. I gave myself one pretty good nick under the left side of my chin/neck. Never fails. What I really need are some new razors.

I managed to lose in the neighborhood of 10-15 pounds the past month or so, although I think I put a few back on over the weekend. Time for a long walk, then.

then / now