in the city

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9-18-03 // 7.48 pm

"well, being a failed scientist doesn't pay as well as you might think"

Today I felt harried and hassled. Traffic was choking in the morning, at work I sat through a super boring training seminar and later through a 2+ hour peer review from hell (inhaling a quick, pleasureless lunch in the few minutes between the two), there was even more traffic on the way home (complete with splayed-across-lanes interstate accident), I was a bit short with Erin on the phone, and it just felt like the entire city had crawled to a complete stop. I came home, picked the apartment up and threw some laundry in.

Thankfully, I decided to work away my stress and went on a long walk (mostly uphill), dropped some bills in the mail, stopped at the convenience store for a can of beer, and grabbed a Riverfront Times. Got back to the apartment, ate a small snack and cracked open the beer, and now I'm doing much better. Oh, and if this is the "champagne of beers", then the Miller advertising folks must drink even worse champagne than I do. And yeah, I've fallen prey to the "big ass can of Miller High Life". But come on, it's 99 cents for more beer than I can actually drink at once. Still, I feel inexplicably guilty about "cheating" on my local brewery/megacorporation Budweiser.

I was going to bitch about how the raise I just got at work was just slightly above the level of if they hadn't given me one at all, but then I realized that I should shut the hell up and be glad it wasn't (a) a pay cut, and (b) I have a job in the first place.

"Lost In Translation" starts tomorrow at the Tivoli and I'm extremely excited about going to see it. Feels like it's been a million years since I've gone to the movies, and it's been months since a film's come out that's not of the "explosion-filled summer blockbuster" type.

My three day weekend starts now. Woo. I'm going to miss Erin this weekend, but I know she needs some "getaway" time, and I'm going to have fun being a fake bachelor with Ryan S.

I've run out of things to write about so I'm outta here.

then / now