in the city

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9-19-03 // 2.41 pm

couldn't ask for more you said

NP: The Cure - "The Head On The Door"

Took Erin to the airport a little while before lunch, we had a quick late breakfast at a coffee-ish place near one of the security checkpoints before she had to disappear into the "ticketed passengers" only gate area, it was nice. I wish they would still let you go down to the actual gate, though. So yes, she's on her way to Hartford, and then Boston. She'll back back Sunday night, and in the meantime I'm just hangin' out. Ryan S is coming over tonight, I think there will be pizza, beer, cards and b-movies. A winning combo in my book.

I went to the Loop after the airport, had to pick up tickets for me, Ryan H and Erin to see Grandaddy & Elbow at the Pageant next month. In a fatal error, included in the envelope with my tickets was a "20% your next purchase" coupon from Vintage Vinyl. Danger! It was on the way back to my car anyway, so... It's been a bumper day for music, I ended up with like 8 discs (some new, some used, some LPs, some EPs) from Vintage and another three ordered from CD-Wow. Gotta get those imports (new Elbow, Starsailor, and Hybrid discs) somehow, you know.

Between 10 am and noon is the optimal time of day to visit the Loop. Most of the hipsters are still asleep, and the Wash U students are in class (or also still asleep), so the sidewalks are mostly clear. The only sounds are those of the buskers and beer delivery trucks, it's very relaxing. The weather made it even nicer -- today is a crisp, flawless fall day. It was actually cold this morning, and now the low clouds have given way to deep, pure blue skies. It's gorgeous.

This entry was actually interrupted by a continuously mewing kitty beta (that's Corona), so I had to get up, drive to the store, buy more cat food, come home and feed 'em before I was allowed to return to my computer duties. It was funny.

It's a stellar Friday afternoon and I'm not at work. I have no idea how I'm going to fill the rest of this day, but hey, that's a nice feeling sometimes. The possibilities are endless.

then / now