in the city

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9-20-02 // 10.03 am

as the evening shadows stretch themselves

NP: Steve Hogarth - "Ice Cream Genius"

Last night felt like it should've been a Friday. The restaurant was excellent, despite the fact that we had to wait, regardless of the fact that we had reservations. But we passed the time drinking in the bar/lounge, which was filled with faux-Japanese decor and gaudy red vinyl/fake wood chairs. I think there was also a karaoke mini-arena over in one corner. It was wonderfully tacky. But the bartender (who couldn't have been a day over 17, and who also had big Sideshow Bob-esque hair), mixed the drinks strongly, and Erin and I had some good conversation, so it was all god. Dinner was fantastic, and the rest of the evening was extremely relaxing and carefree. Like I said, I wanted nothing more at the end of the night to just fall asleep and not wake up till like noon the next day. But sadly, I have to go to work today.

Going down to Cape tomorrow to see Ryan and Holly. I'm looking forward to it, I haven't seen 'em since April. In any case, it should be a great time. Of all my college friends, Ryan is the one I get along with best. I know there was that period in the apartment where I sort of resented him for dropping out of school, sleeping all day, not really hanging out with me, and living off his trust fund/savings while I went to school and my job. But I think that was just stress on my part, any animosity I once felt faded long, long ago. Like I said, he's one of my best, since he met Holly about a year ago, he's become a lot more mellow. Maybe mellow isn't the best term, but he's sort of lost that misanthropic edge he used to have sometimes.

It absolutely poured down rain this morning on my way to the office. I think that it's still coming down, actually. The worst part about heavy rain on weekday mornings is that it turns normal drivers into cowering, motor skill-less freaks. Seriously, it's one thing to drive at a slower speed while it's raining, I understand that. But no, it seems like people now take things to the extreme, driving along at a snail's pace, all the while braking every three seconds and half swerving into the other lane. It's very frightening and I'm always relieved to get to where I'm going.

Today's Erin's last day at her current job. A few of her coworker friends gave her gifts and cards, etc as a going away present, and I was in on the surprise. It really made me smile that they went through the trouble to do this for her, it was really kind. So yeah, her new job starts Monday morning. It's like five minutes from our apartment, and it starts later than her old one. So that means sleeping in later, finally. Anyway, yeah. I know she's going to do wonderfully at the new job.

I'm drinking coffee right now, and to be honest, it's making me a bit wired. Which is strange, considering that I've only had one cup.

I want this day to fast foward to quitting time, I want to hop in my car and escape. I don't want to think another thought about this place until sometime Monday morning.

then / now