in the city

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9-21-04 // 6.17 pm

28 days of rain, flash floods in february

NP: Tears For Fears - "Everybody Loves A Happy Ending"

I got up at 6 o'clock this morning to get ready for work, I had to go in early to prepare for the test session with the government representatives. So I got showered, shaved & on the road, battling the rising sun directly in my eyes for 30 miles. Got work with 45 minutes to go before the scheduled start time & had to rush around doing little prep type things I should've done the night before. Was ready but a bit disorganized at 8 o'clock. Then it was test time, which actually went really well. We were completely done by 4 o'clock -- my tests passed and were accepted with only minor typo type errors. The gov't tester said the session was "exhausting but thorough", which I took as a compliment. So yes, I'm done! Well, there's still a post-testing report to write and several review boards to go through before I can wash my hands of this project, but the hard work is over. Thank Zarquon.

Now my head hurts a lot, but it's alright. A pleasurable headache. Well, in so much as it stems from a hard day's work getting crap done for good. Oh, and I was approved to take a week of vacation starting October 4th! Which pretty much means my vacation will start that Friday on the 1st, with the weekend trip to Chicago the 2nd-3rd really kicking it off. Word.

Now it's time to decompress for a bit before starting dinner so we can eat when Erin gets home from class. I think I also deserve a beer. (to the fridge!)

then / now