in the city

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9-24-03 // 5.58 pm

"jacko is on his backo!"

Had to do a merge today at work, my least favorite task of all the possible things it's possible for me to have to do. It was tough, and wasn't made any easier due to the smug, snide systems engineer type guy who I had to work with on it. Seriously, this guy is my office's Nick Burns. I just want to do my job, it's not a competition to show off how many obscure UNIX commands you know, I don't care if you could write a shell script to do what I'm doing line-by-line.

Oh! I realized today that as part of the d-land gold membership (I signed up out of guilt), I have the power to create surveys. So please, at your leisure, fill out my brand-spankin'-new survey. Answer any or all of the questions, it's your call.

I was going to go for a walk, but I took one at lunch, so instead I threw a load of laundry in, had a snack (apple -- the Granny Smiths are really good right now for some reason), and am now messing about and watching gray, puffy clouds roll through with the associated cold front. It's nice.

And that's it. I'm off to enjoy this last burst of summer while I can.

then / now