in the city

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9-29-03 // 5.00 pm

the lord said 'peter, I can see your house from here'

NP: Roger Waters - "In The Flesh"

October afternoons between about 3 and 5 pm...those are the golden hours of the golden month. Especially on one of those days featuring cool but not cold air and a stark, nearly cloudless sky. Today is one of those days, even if we are still techinically hanging on to September. They're often best appreciated by getting out and about, by taking a long walk or what have you. Though sometimes, it's also great to savor the hours by sitting around the house, picking a spot and sticking to it, and watching the light gradually fade and the shadows gradually stretch out and finally take over. Eventually, the world is more shadows than rays of light, there's the short limbo of twilight, and then the long night. It's beauty, and instead of instilling despair that the lengthy gray and black of winter is approaching, it's enough to hammer into your thick skull that you have to appreciate what is good and beautiful while it's there.

Today is one of those perfect (almost) October afternoons. I'm sitting here with the windows cracked open, just enough for the cool air to trickle in. Rog's solo stuff is on the stereo, I'm drinking the last of a lingering pot of dark, bitter coffee, and reading the "Best of St. Louis" issue of the Riverfront Times. I'm savoring every last second of it, for before I know it my Mondays through Fridays will be spent away from the light. I'll rise before the dawn truly breaks and I won't get out of the office until the sun has sunk, or at the very best, is holding on to the last vestiges of the dusk. It's a lot of darkness, and I've come to realize it affects me psychologically as the winter wears on.

Enough now of my mangled prose. I'm off work today, still nursing my sprained ankle. Yeah, I went to the clinic yesterday and they diagnosed me after the x-rays ruled out a fracture. In any case, I've been on a steady regimen of elevating the foot, icing it down, and taking anti-inflamatory over the counter painkillers. Thankfully, the pain is much less today, the swelling and stiffness has abated a bit, and I can even put a bit of weight on the foot. I'm still hobbling around and I've been staying off it as much as possible, but at least today I can shuffle to the bathroom or to get a glass of water without having to hop around like I was on Sat. night and Sunday.

Just found out today that Wes Anderson and Noah Baumbach (of "Kicking and Screaming 'fame') are cowriting and producing a new flick called "The Life Aquatic". What's more, it's starring Bill Murray. I don't know much else about the movie yet, but I don't really need to. Damn, that's gonna be great. I hope that both Anderson and Baumbach are able to squeeze some of their "stock favorite" actors and actresses in bit parts here and there.

I can feel the air from outside getting colder, which is my cue to close them further and gaze out into the courtyard and soak in the rest of this fading afternoon.

then / now