in the city

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10-1-01 // 6.09 pm

mentho-lyptus: 1, discomfort: nil

I just finished listening to Joni Mitchell's "Blue". Gives me the feeling that there really is no reason for me to ever attempt to write a poem or a lyric ever again when things like 'The Last Time I Saw Richard' already exist.

My throat is getting a little scratchy. I took a Hall's which is making me feel better...I just hope this doensn't turn into a full-blown sore throat.

If my roommate blows his nose even one more fucking time, I'm going to rip his fucking nose off. It's that simple.

Finished the prob/stats assignment. Well, there's a bit left but it's not due 'til Wednesday so I'm letting it go for now. Now I'm tired & I feel like taking a nap. But I also want to get to the gym and to catch up on some email. It seems that there's the most stuff to take care of in life precisely at the moment when you least feel like taking care of it.

then / now