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10-1-02 // 12.31 pm

my conscience has it stripped down to a science

NP: Josh Rouse - "Under Cold Blue Stars"

Today is one of those working days where I just want to scream. We're still doing testing. Normally, there are two rounds of this type of testing. We've done three and a half, and we're in the middle of another round right now. I want it to end...I'm so sick of endless "issues" popping up just when I think we're ready to move on. I suppose it's not really that big of a deal, this is my job after all. But it'd be nice to be able to say "hey, good work, we're going to put things to rest now". Oh, and today, two people told me that I'm doing "a really great job" on this project. Which is always a good thing to hear someone say.

It's the first day of October, and it's like 90 degrees outside. Summer needs to go away right now. Seriously. I'm so tired of running the air conditioner, I'm tired of being stuck sweltering traffic jams. I want to wear long sleeves and jackets, I want cold winds and huddling under the blankets at night. I'm not particularly ready for snow and messy winter weather, but I'm more than set for fall.

Talked to Erin a few minutes ago, she was home on her lunch break. Hearing from her on a day like this always makes me smile.

We're going to Denny's tonight, haven't been there in ages. Sometimes you just get a craving for radioactive orange buffalo sauce, you know?

I wasn't smiling half an hour ago, but I am now. Perspective makes such a difference in mood...she makes such a difference.

then / now