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10-2-02 // 9.41 am

that is why I stumble to my knees

NP: Crowded House - "Recurring Dream"

I had to grab the "best of" because I really wanted to listen to some stuff from the debut album, but the only format I have that one on is vinyl. And I don't have a turntable at my desk at work, as sad as I am to say such a thing. And yes, as is customary for me anytime I listen to Crowded House or Neil Finn, I must say that Mr. Finn is absolute melodic genius. He makes writing gorgeous pop songs seem as effortless as walking down to the corner for a newspaper.

Came into work a while ago to discover that the absolutely insane error we were getting all day yesterday (the one that caused me to work far more overtime last night than I wanted to) has been fixed. Apparently, it was this one line of code in some other procedure that was causing the location we were looking for not to show up anywhere. So yes, today is looking like a fairly easy day, which is nice for a change.

Amelie is a good movie. Hadn't seen it before last night, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Any criticism I might have would be limited to dumb stuff like "it seemed a bit too long". Oh, and Erin insisted on watching it in the original French, with English subtitles. Which was just fine with me. I don't think I've ever known anyone else who actively enjoys subtitles...I always thought I was the only one. In any case, there's yet another reason why she's the most amazing person I've ever met.

You know you've made a great pot of coffee when you can see that oily film swirling around on the top once you pour a cup. I think that's brilliant.

Does anyone else think that this is a phenominally bad idea? I mean, the intention is good, fostering writing and general creativity in people that perhaps might not take a chance otherwise. Though I keep getting the nagging feeling that the most it's doing is bringing about the creation of a whole lot of unedited, really bad novels and bad writing habits. Shouldn't aspiring writers learn that you shouldn't rush creativity? Or maybe not, I'm no writer, and there's a very likely chance that I'm talking complete shit here.

Distinctly modern dilemma #327: cell phone ringing while you're on the toilet. You have two options in this situation. On one hand, you can let the phone keep ringing, therefore making the person calling you think that you're just can't be bothered to pick up. On the other hand, you can answer the phone. Though in this case, the person on the other end may wonder why you sound so echo-y. You may have to confess to being in the bathroom, and this may freak/gross out the calling party. I mean, this isn't a situation that I've actually encountered, but it's something I was thinking about earlier.

It's Wednesday and I wish it was Friday. But I'm sure that day will get here soon enough.

then / now