in the city

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10-3-02 // 10.34 am

touch my skin to keep me whole

NP: Jeff Buckley - "Grace"

I'd do anything to not be at work right now. There's basically nothing for me to do at the moment, which just compounds my desire to get the hell away.

Ugh. I got something like nine hours of sleep last night, and I still feel sort of tired this morning. It's like a cross between tiredness and a general out-of-sorts feeling. I had what felt like the beginnings of a headache earlier, but I took a few ibuprofen and it seems to be doing somewhat better.

Plus Erin called me a while ago, but I didn't get the call. She left a message and sounded tired/sad/worried. I'm not sure what's going on, I'm waiting for her to call back. I hope nothing's wrong.

It's one of those days, you know? Let's hope things pick up and get brighter

then / now