in the city

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10-4-01 // 10.23 pm

you've been in the pipeline filling in time

NP: Roger Waters - "In the Flesh"

I remember being in Providence a couple of summers ago and seeing Rog at the Civic Center. I'd seen him a year earlier in St. Louis, but I figured I'm here and so is this excellent show, so why not go for it? In any case, with the RI show, I always remember when they did 'Southampton Dock'. The song's only like two minutes long...the first half was just Rog on an acoustic guitar. Then about a minute in, right as the rest of the band kicks in and Rog sings and still the dark stain spreads between his shoulder blades, a mute reminder of the poppy fields and graves, the massive video screen behind him (which had previously been blank) filled up with an image of an endless field of red poppies. It was one of the most moving things I've ever experienced.

Talked on the phone with Shelley for like 45 minutes yesterday evening....we're going on a date tomorrow night. I'm driving to C'dale and picking her up at like 5 o'clock, we're gonna go to dinner and maybe shoot some pool or go bowling afterwards. Kind of just playing it by ear, which is cool.

So because of this going on tomorrow, today was extremely busy. Between going to class and work, I washed & vacuumed my car, went to the bank, went to Walgreen's, did some laundry, and spent a couple of hours at the library doing research for that paper due for Music in World Culture.

I'm still a little bit sick, but not too much. Today, my biggest problem was having a bit of a stuffed-up nose & that I kept sneezing. I'm also still a little fatigued. But it's nowhere as bad as it was even yesterday. I've still been taking vitamins and pseudoephedrine and such, though...never hurts. I'll be glad when I'm back to 100%...I'm itching to get back to the gym and such.

Oh, and if anyone wants to buy me this CD, I'll love you forever. Not that I can't afford it, I'm gonna purchase it myself in a few days...but I won't stop anyone else doing it before then.

then / now