in the city

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10-7-01 // 12.39 pm

so don't involve me in your plans

NP: Gene - "Olympian"

I slept far later than I wanted to this morning, but I guess if my body needs the sleep I should let it lay unconscious as long as it wants.

There's a lot to take care of today. I need to organize my (and perhaps do further) research for my music paper. A one page abstract isn't going to be tough to's just figuring out how I want to structure the thing that's the tricky bit. I also have a take-home essay exam for the same class, that's also due a week from tomorrow. Again, not that hard, but I have to sit down and gather my thoughts so I can make coherent arguments. Oh, and I need to do laundry at some point today. There's probably a bunch of other stuff to do, too. I have two exams on Wednesday. I hate midterms. At least it's not finals yet...those are the worst.

I could write more at the moment, but I need to go shower and get moving. Sundays at university never feel like weekend days at all.

then / now