in the city

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10-7-04 // 7.52 pm

tommy lasorda is in the audience

Watching game 2 of the Cards/Dodgers series and waiting for the tool who did two loads of laundry and then failed to retreive his/her clothes to get the damn clothes out of the communal washers so I can do my laundry. It's also oddly warm, humid and still for October, the skies are cloudy and pink and it just feels like it's getting ready to rain and break some sort of tension. It hasn't rained here in like a month, seriously. Right now I need a a solid night's rain, just buckets of it coming down with streetlights reflecting off puddles in the courtyard.

Vacation continues to go well. Steve came by yesterday and we hung out for a while until Erin came home, at which point we all went to get lunch & run to the Loop for a while. In the evening I read the RFT's "Best of St. Louis" issue and caught up with the Caetano Veloso and MPB CDs Paulo sent me last week. Today was also good -- I slept way in (10 o'clock, not that late but late for me), went for a walk and then Ryan S came by so we could head to House of India for lunch. Erin and I later went to the Science Center to finally check out the "Space: A Journey to Our Future" exhibit that's going on. I touched meteorites from the moon and from Mars and checked out all of the X Prize information on display. The rest of the exhibit was just as great, I eat astronomy/space stuff up. Erin does too, we had a great time, it's been excellent getting to spend so much time with her this week.

I've also been watching tons of playoff baseball, which makes me very happy. It's nice that I managed to take a week off work without even realizing this would be the week when the most games were likely to occur. The only thing that annoys me is that it's so tough to get proper coverage. I mean, ESPN has good presentation but average to unbearable announcers. Fox has great announcers but horrible presentation (weird "footage from a blimp" camera view, dumb sound effects & graphics, etc.) and the absolute dumbest "studio hosts" in professional sports coverage. Seriously, these people even beat out Fox's football pregame show for sheer asininity. (is that a word?)

Hopefully I can throw my clothes in the wash now. If not, I may explode from frustration.

then / now