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10-15-02 // 12.03 pm

it's so erotic when your makeup runs

NP: Porcupine Tree - "In Absentia"

I am not the brightest man alive. I just finished typing up an entry, only to hit some odd combination of keys by mistake, to then have my browser go back a page, erasing what I had typed. 90% of the time I remember to write my entries in Notepad, then copy to the d-land template. But the other 10% of the time, the thought escapes my mind, and I end up frustrated. So yeah, grrr. Now I have to start all over. But anyway...

In relation to the current musical selection, if you've never listened to Steve Wilson, you really should do so right now.

Erin is going back to school. Well, not right now, but in January, for the spring semester. She has an appointment with an admissions counsellor on Monday. The whole thing is just fantastic...she's going to be a brilliant art teacher, or whatever she puts her mind to, really. This way she'll get to use her smarts instead of having to waste away behind a desk, doing filing for mean old women. I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but Erin is smart. Way smart. She's more intelligent than me, which I like. She stimulates me mentally. Well, she stimulates me in every way, but that's another aside which I won't go into here... (this is where a smiley face emoticon thing would go, by the way, but I hate using those in my diary)

I'm feeling great today. The world feels crisp and fresh, and I feel happy and optimistic. All of this is going on, despite the fact that work is going by extremely slowly today. The work day is only half over, and every single thing about the day has been so, so, so slow. Ugh. Can't wait to escape.

An unexpected email from my friend Bill (whom I hadn't heard from in months and I was beginning to worry about), along with a blog entry mentioning the Proclaimers has been making me think about Scotland. Would love to visit again, someday. The Proclaimers thing is weird. I've actually been to their hometown, which is this tiny village called Auchtermuchty, in the middle of nowhere, Fife. It was on the way to St. Andrew's, but yeah... Also, the Hibs play, before and after every home match, a Proclaimers song called Sunshine On Leith...Leith being the working class area and former port of Edinburgh, the home to the Hibs' home ground Easter Road, as well as home to the Proclaimers during their teenage years. They're apparently huge supporters of the club, and devoted an entire year to helping preserve the club when, in the early '90s, it was attempted to be taken over by Hearts (Edinburgh's other top level club). All very odd stuff, which I wouldn't have even known, except for the fact that it was pointed out to me several times when I saw a Hibs match.

I'm pretty sure nobody's left reading at this point, what after the "extremely boring to everyone except myself" preceding paragraph, but on the off chance that someone is left, I apologize for the disjointed nature of this entry, as well as the general lack of entries lately. I go in waves sometimes, though...there'll be weeks when I write an entry every single morning. Then there'll be weeks where I hardly touch the thing at all. It's like Erin eloquently says...sometimes you have to live life instead of writing about it.

It's lunchtime, better go dig something up to eat in the break room before it's all gone. Later, gators.

then / now