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10-18-02 // 10.34 am

she will suffer never, I mean her no harm

NP: Neil and Tim Finn - "Finn"

If there's ever been a day more deserving of the fact that it's Friday, I'd like to see it.

I'm sitting here at my desk, thankfully wearing "casual day" jeans and a button-up shirt. Oh, and tennis shoes, too. Those are important, considering my normal work dress shoes have about zero arch support. Anyway, yeah. I'm getting my work on. I've got like one more thing left, and it needs to be done by the end of the day (because they're moving me to something else come Monday). But it's not too big of a deal, so I don't envision this being an absolutely insane day.

Today's Erin's last day of work at the crappy doctor's office. She deserves a medal for sticking it out this long, to be honest. I'm genuinely impressed. There's no reason anyone should have to put up with a hostile work environment. You'd think a company whose business is taking care of people would bother to take care of their employees...

It's about this time every year where I start to wonder why we call it the World Series when there's the possibility of, at the very most, two nations taking part. It's not like we can even claim that we're the only ones playing baseball...there's South Korea, Japan, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Australia, etc. I tell you what, how about every year from now on, we have a real World Series. One big-ass tournament with the MLB winner, and everyone else...I'm talking professional players, none of this "amateurs using aluminum bats" Olympic type stuff. Hell, I'd even settle for a series between the MLB and Japanese champions.

Best meal idea in a long time? Breakfast for dinner. I mean, it's something I'll occasionally eat at a diner, but to cook it at home, that's a whole other meal dimension. It rocks.

Oh, and I am now officially the worst Mario Party player ever. Ever.

Ugh, I've gotta get this work done sometime...may as well be now. Six hours and change to go...

then / now