in the city

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10-21-01 // 8.18 pm

twenty years from now maybe we'll both sit down and have a few beers

NP: Ben Folds - "Rockin' the Suburbs"

Sara with no 'H' should get together with Michelle with one 'L' and hang out or something.

It's a bit too warm out for this time of the year. It's not horrible, but I was getting used to the cold.

Drove over to C'dale for the weekend, stayed with Jared. Steve came down, too. The leaves are starting to turn, which made driving through the national forest area even more beautiful than usual. Went bowling Friday night...I was hitting a good thirty or forty points above my usual average. Definitly a much better bowling outing than when I went out with Shelley...she kicked my ass. Saturday we went out shopping & messing around town...I wish I wasn't so poor at the moment, Campus News had tons of used books I've been trying to find for ages. Saw "From Hell" in the evening...we were gonna go out to some clubs and such, but Steve's pal Josh was a bit late in getting over. So we just sat out on the porch and drank late into the night. Drove back this afternoon...since then I did laundry, went to the library, updated my research paper abstract, put stuff away in my bedroom, and made a bunch of phone calls. Whew. But it was a good weekend, one of the better ones in a while.

On Friday I found out that I passed my ICCP computer science accreditation exams. Go I'm all official and whatnot.

I'm done with everything a bit early tonight...I guess I'll catch up on some email, polish off the last of the bottles of beer leftover from the weekend, and wait for the one phone call that I'm pretty sure will never come.

then / now