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10-22-04 // 11.18 am

rumors on the internets

Note to coworkers. No more lobotomized conservative talk radio in the workplace. Please.

I'm supposed to go with Steve tonight to see Badly Drawn Boy, but I just don't feel like it. I want to go home after work and chill out in a major way, and then have dinner and visit with Erin when she gets off work. So I think I'm going to call Steve later and bail. I feel like a jerk doing so, but at the same time there are two or three other people also going, so it's not like I'm abandoning him. Hmm, that was a good rationalization.

I think I'm going to use my "25% off one item" Borders coupon to buy William Shatner's new album. Does that make me sound like a mental patient?

Oh, and how could I forget...

then / now