in the city

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10-23-04 // 4.53 pm

carpe per diem

Sitting around with laundry in the dryer, watching "Dead Poets Society" and thinking about how I fucked up yesterday.

Some asshole in the courtyard is washing his car while at the same time 'listens' to the car stereo so loudly that his entire vehicle shakes and rattles. It's frightening, like waiting for a bomb to go off.

It's sunny and unseasonably warm this afternoon, I'm in shorts & a tee and the windows are all open. It annoys me a bit, but at least it's cool inside the apartment. I love the quality of the light at this time of the day at this time of the year. I love the shadows and the stark lines between them and sun. I love the leaves in their few remaining greens, their browns and oranges and apple yellows and post-industrial rust red.

I have so much brilliant music I want to listen to this weekend, stuff I've bought or dug out of my collection and rediscovered -- I've been putting off all week. I mean, I've had some time but I've been spending it watching baseball. I'll be doing the same thing tonight, but in the rest of the time...

then / now