in the city

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10-26-01 // 10.02 pm

she said can't you see...the world is you, the world is me

At the moment, I'm just listening to about 3.5 hours worth of MP3s set on random play. Earlier, as a test, I loaded every MP3 on my hard drive into Winamp at once...turned out to be just shy of 50 hours of music. That's just frightening.

I swear, in a year or two or whenever it is I next buy a new computer, I'm buying a Mac. I love me my Win98 box, but there is no way I'm allowing this newfangled XP thingamajig into my household. Try to muscle out Java, will you? I have to call Microsoft HQ to get my installation reauthorized if I change more than four or five hardware settings? Er, no. Sorry Charlie. Sure I could just live forever in my '98 world, but sooner or later, I'll be stuck. So I guess it'll be time to take a bite out of the ol' Apple again. First time since the IIe...ah, those crazy days of monochrome monitors and no internal disk space.

Going up to Steve's tomorrow for the Halloween party. Marc and Danielle are supposed to be coming by to get me around noon tomorrow. The Col. Sanders costume is complete. Pictures to follow at some point, I'm sure.

The other day, whilst out making my deliveries, I saw a guy walking around wearing pants that looked like MC Hammer's pajama bottoms. Come on, man. Seriously.

[mini-moog solo!]

It's really cold out this evening...we'll probably get a freeze overnight. I'm not complaining, mind you. I love this weather...summer is not my favorite season, as I'm sure you may have surmised. Though by the end of winter, I'm usually ready for a bit of a warmup again.

The other day I found out that there's a 25% discount on Britrail passes that corresponds with the timeframe of my UK tour. Aww yeah...

Would you like to go disco dancing with me? Please say yes.

fancy a pint?

then / now