in the city

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10-28-01 // 10.35 pm

come to me now, rest your head for just five minutes

I'm still listening to MP3s...I get like this sometimes, I just load 'em into the player, press random, and listen for days. Yeah.

Cyndi Lauper "Girls Just Want to Have Fun". I'm not a girl, but I imagine that if I was, this would be my favorite song.

It's cold out. Very cold. 'Winter's here a bit early' type cold. Which is great, it means wearing jackets and sweaters and my housecoat. It means crystal clear nights where you can see every pinprick of a star like it was a lamp in your livingroom. I love the way the waxing moon looks on nights like bright and mesmerizing reflecting off the river.

Linkin Park "In the End". Ah, manufactured angst. It's still catchy, though. Ever notice how the more sing-y of the two singer guys sounds a lot like he should be a Backstreet Boy or something like that?

The fact that I'm graduating in about a month and a half is gradually sinking in. Like today, my mom called and started asking me about graduation announcements. So I had to choose a design and stuff like that. We talked about what family members are coming for the ceremony, when my dad's gonna come down with the Suburban to help me haul away my furniture...stuff like that. There's too much school going on at the moment for me to really get into all this getting out of here stuff. But slowly but's getting here.

Soul Asylum "Runaway Train". Remember how the singer always dressed like a vagrant?

Went up to Steve's for the Halloween party. It was a pretty fun time. Could've used a few more people showing up, but it is a long way to drive just for a party. Anyway, everyone's costumes were great. Jared was the guy from "Memento" -- he got a fake tattoo pen and replicated all the ones the character in the movie had. Steve was the skeleton guy from "Nightmare Before Christmas". Marc was Ash from "Army of Darkness". Danielle was Medusa. BJ was a pimp and Nora was his ho. My Col. Sanders getup turned out perfectly. We even went to the local KFC at one point. The customers seemed rather freaked out, the girls working the counter loved it (someone took my picture with four of 'em), and a little kid came up to me and shook my hand. It was genuinely hilarious and cool.

Yes "Soon".

I'm getting anxious to move back home. I mean, I'm starting to really miss people and places. I miss Monday nights in the pub with Ryan. I miss having Adam and Robyn call me and pick me up for a movie. I miss hanging out at Denny's on stormy nights. I miss cornfields, I miss the metro, I miss proper record shops, I miss familiar TV stations and schedules, I miss fried fish stands, I miss the fountain in the square all lit up at night, I miss my daily walk around town. I never thought I would miss where I came from so much. Four and a half years ago when I started uni, I couldn't wait to get out and never look back. Now...I can't wait to return. Funny how outlooks change as time goes on.

Fine Young Cannibals "She Drives Me Crazy". I always think the singer in this group looks like the guy who played Hooper X in "Chasing Amy".

I was going to write something, but I got up to use the bathroom, then I lost my train of thought. Hmm.

Seal "Prayer for the Dying".

Ah, now I remember. We shifted off daylight savings time last today my internal clock's been all confused. It was only like 4.30 this afternoon when I was eating dinner, but I kept wondering why football was still on and was only at halftime. It just feels like this day has lasted forever. Which is fine by me, but it's a bit of a strange feeling. I'm sure I'll get used to it in a day or so here.

The Band "The Weight".

Today's Sara's birthday, but I'm not doing anything for her. The way she's been acting the last month or so, she doesn't deserve it. I'm just saying, is all.

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young "Our House"

Aline's sending me the money to reimburse me for the plane ticket for the trip that never was. I'm glad about that. Not that I really doubted that she wouldn't send me the dough, but in the back of my mind... I know that's a horrible thing to think about a friend. But anyway. I promised I wouldn't talk about her and all that again. So OK.

Psychedelic Furs "Heartbreak Beat". Not that this song is even on it, but you really should own their 'Talk Talk Talk' LP.

So now I'm just sitting around in sweatpants, t-shirt, and housecoat. I guess in a bit I'll make some mac & cheese and watch the day's football highlights. At this point, I'm just counting out time.

Smashing Pumpkins "1979". I love the video for this one. The song is great, but the video, I hated it back when I was in high school and it was on MTV all the time. But now the song makes me think of the video, which in turn reminds me of high school. Not that anyone cares.

please enjoy my fresh, flavorful original recipe kentucky fried chicken.

then / now