in the city

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10-31-02 // 3.33 pm

a bouvier till her wedding day

NP: Tori Amos - "From the Choirgirl Hotel"

I already wrote an entry today, but I feel like writing another one. So there.

There's not much work getting done this afternoon. And to be honest, I'm not terribly apologetic about said fact. This is a good afternoon to surf the web a bit, listen to Tori Amos on repeat, drink a Dr. Pepper, and wait for the end of the day.

Right now, I feel stream of consciousness. Let's see how that works out for me.

I've actually known people (mostly in high school, ah that scintilating hotbed of acceptance and progressive thought) who have questioned my masculinity or whatever (I'm not sure if they were implying they thought I was gay, or if it was just a "you sissy" sort of thing) for actively enjoying Tori Amos' music. Erm, maybe it's just me, but you don't actually have to be a woman to like women musicians. *rolls eyes*

Today I think what I would really like is to grab my digital camera, and just wander around taking pictures of things. Nothing terribly artsy, just images of things like buildings, city streets, people going about their lives. I'm not a photographer by any means, but I like the end product. I like the thought of capturing a moment, as trite as that may sound.

I took a walk at lunchtime, and my hands nearly went numb. It's funny, while I was walking, I saw the first patch of blue sky I think I've seen in nearly a week. I could see it casting a sort of quasi-light on a nearby patch of land.

Earlier today, I sent a long, long overdue email reply to a message my old college pal Gwar wrote me in like June. June! It's no excuse, but I found the thing lurking in the recesses of my work email inbox. Heh, Gwar... The joke is that he was called Gwar because he was the antithesis of everything a stereotypical Gwar fan would be. I mean, we're talking someone multiple times geekier than myself. Which is really saying something.

You know, I don't actually have a Halloween costume this year. Erin and I were supposed to throw a Halloween party last weekend, but it fell apart, so we didn't actually get costumes together. Though sort of after the fact, I thought that maybe a good costume for this year would be Arthur Dent. I could put on my bathrobe, grab a towel (liberally stained with barbecue sauce and other beneficial nutrients), not shave for two or three days to get that "galactic hitchhiker" look, and maybe borrow a laptop or PDA or something and carry it around, saying it was the Guide. Lame, perhaps, but hey.

I am not a good writer.

There is a child somewhere in my lab right now... I'm not sure what's going on, but I keep hearing baby talk gibberish, coming from somewhere behind me. Did people bring their kids in to trick or treat or something? What the hell?

Even the smell of cigarette smoke makes me feel ill. Actually breathing the stuff in makes it difficult for me to continue breathing...I have an allergy to the stuff, it's not good. I hate feeling like that militant anti-smoking guy, though. I don't want to be an asshole...I don't care if people smoke. But if people decide to light up right next to me, I'm going to wave my hand around to clear the air, or I'm going to get up and move. It's not personal. It's the same reason my previous and my current apartments have been strictly enforced no-smoking zones. I feel kind of bad about making people go out to the balcony or outside or whatever, but it has to be done.

Does anyone else ever think about black and white film? I mean, B&W photos and film stock in relation to the past. I see an old filmreel or whatever, and wonder what that particular bit of the world looked like in color. I think somewhere, because of the B&W = old association, I have this ill defined association of darkness or whatever with old pictures. It's likely that none of that made even a miniscule amount of sense, so I'll move on.

Have you ever watched cricket? I mean, really sat down and watched a cricket match? It's confounding in the way that I imagine baseball is to 95% of the world. Other weird sports: curling (kind of like shuffleboard on ice, but the discs are big stones with handles), hurling (some traditional Irish thing that's like a cross between football and field hockey. There's a goal like soccer, goalposts on top of that like football, sticks and a ball that you hit, and lots of running and tackling)...what are some others? Jai alai, maybe...and what about that one Central Asian sport that's like polo if the ball was replaced by a goat carcass?

I could really use a haircut.

Ugh...someone's given me some work to do. Well, work that I really should go do right now. I should probably end this, then. A shame, though, really...right now I feel like I could write for about a million years.

then / now