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11-1-00 // 4.37 am

the next time I create the universe I'll make sure you participate

NP: Bad Religion - "Stranger than Fiction"

Every time I go a while without listening to this and then dig it back out, I remember just why it turned me into a BR fan in the first place. So fast, so furious, so tuneful.

I just put the finishing touches on the Java lab that's due on Friday. I'm glad to have that out of the way. The assembly coursework that was supposed to be due on Fri. has had its due date pushed back another week. So all that's left to do this week is a little bit of calculus and study for the assembly exam on Friday. I wish I could say I'm looking forward to the weekend, but first thing Saturday morning I have to go take the 75 hour writing exam. It's something you have to do before you graduate -- you go and write an essay -- it's easy but I can't stand being dragged out of bed so early on a Saturday for something school related!

Today I registered for spring semester classes. I'll be carrying 13 credit hours, taking the following:

Software Engineering (big "group project program development" thing all seniors have to take)
SQL Database
Numerical Analysis
Australian Culture

The last one is a general studies course -- it looked interesting and since I still have to take three upper level gen. studies courses, it's now on my course list. The best part about this lineup is that my first class isn't until 9 or 9.30am, depending on the day. last it will be mine. Plus, I'll be done by 2.30pm at the very latest each day.

There are two extremely loud and obnoxious first-year students sitting in the opposite corner of the lab from my station. They don't appear to be doing anything in particular, just sitting there annoying me. I have my headphones on and that mostly drowns 'em out. But still...

I'm stuck at work for another two and a half hours, and then I have to go to a Model UN meeting. At least the new "Simpsons" Halloween episode will be taped and waiting for me upon my return to the flat.

then / now