in the city

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11-2-00 // 10.42 am

too many unremembered arms that won't let go

NP: IQ - "Ever"

I drank some coffee this morning but I think I drank too much coffee. It may be that I just made an incredibly potent batch. But upon its consumption, I went from a zombie-like state to one of intense alertness. It tasted good with that omelet, though.

It's been raining this morning, which is rather nice. It's still kind of warm, but oh well, whatcha gonna do?

Three of the funniest & most useful books one can read are the collections of Matt Groening's "Life in Hell" comic strip. "Love is Hell", "Work is Hell", and "School is Hell" -- all three are collections of the strip from the mid '80s, which was a period of time which was just way to easy to satirize. I remember my high school Spanish teacher (someone who had an enormous impact on me in many ways) kept these books in her classroom (along with many other dozens of books), which is where was first exposed to them. It was incredibly comforting and interesting for a teacher to give me a book to read called "School is Hell" whilst trapped in a high school study hall or something like that. But anyway, "Life in Hell" is fantastic, don't miss it.

I don't want to go to my last class, but I really should. Not so much because I'll miss vital information, but more because skipping is a bad habit to perpetuate. This is the sort of thing that happens when I get a day with only a few classes that are scheduled several hours apart from each other. It's very tempting to only go to one or the other, or to just not go to either.

Alright, I'm not going to lecture. Off the top of my head, I can think of at least 1,000 things that are more interesting than the Federal Reserve.

then / now