in the city

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11-3-00 // 2.54 am

everything's not lost

NP: Coldplay - "Parachutes"

If you're so inclined, analyze me -- it seems as if a few days ago the old comments were wiped out of all analyzers. So leave a few words, I'd appreciate it.

I really need to get some sleep now. I tried laying down a little while ago, but I felt all hot and grimy. Then the idiot frat boys who live in the flat below mine returned to their place. They proceeded to turn on their stereo full-blast. The song the chose to play at maximum volume at nearly 2 in the fucking morning? "Margaritaville" by Jimmy Buffet. They're still playing their music and doing something down there, but thankfully I can't hear it back in my bedroom. I wish I could just get a flat where I don't have any downstairs neighbors. Wait, I think that's called a house, isn't it...

Anyway... I have an assembly exam at 8am. I studied this afternoon and again tonight. I feel adequately prepared, but I know the professor will throw me one or more curveballs. This class is very nerve-wracking. I wish I could just take the damn thing right now and get it over with. I'm going to look things over one more time before I go to class. Wish me luck.

I had a pretty good night tonight. Hinge and I ate at Steak n Shake for the first time in a couple of months. Then we went to Barnes & Noble for a while. I ended up buying a book called "The Great Pyramid Decoded". It was in the bargain/clearance section for $10 plus another 50% off. $5 was a nice price to pay for what I'm sure will amount to hours upon hours or pyramid code-related enjoyment.

I need a new mouse. The little scrolling-wheel thing between the two buttons stopped working a week or so ago, and the trackball isn't nearly as responsive as it ought to be. I should just bit the bullet and spend the money on a Microsoft mouse like the one I have at work. That's one fine input device.

I was going to sit out on the balcony and enjoy the night sky...the pink of the lights from the university campus are making the clouds glow. Plus there's a nice breeze trying to get could've been relaxing. But instead I'm going to get a little bit of shuteye.

then / now