in the city

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11-4-00 // 11.47 am

dull dull grey, the colour of our times

NP: Crowded House - "Woodface"

Perhaps the most beautiful melodies ever written into pop music have been penned by Neil Finn.

I just got back from taking the 75 Hour Writing Exam. You don't actually have to write for 75 hours, but it sure feels like it. This exam is torturous -- you go in at 8am on a Saturday morning to spend three hours writing inane essays just so the university knows that you still remember how to be coherent. I say "still" since you also have to take a similar exam in your first year. At least this time it doesn't count for a grade, so I didn't have to be quite as meticulous, I only had to make sure I wrote well enough to pass.

It's a nice day outside...gorgeous even. At least to me, since it's cloudy and kind of cold. But I love it, it's the weather I've been waiting ages for. I think I'm going to head out for a walk in a litte bit and savor the overcast skies and fallen leaves littering the sidewalks.

I don't really have any plans for the rest of the day. I'll probably end up reading some of that pyramid book, maybe watch some football or something. My sister's supposed to come over tonight, but we don't know if we're going to go out or stay in. Paul Simon's on "Saturday Night Live" tonight, and I have some Fuller's bitter and Guinness in the fridge, so that option might win. Either way, this has been & will be a quiet weekend.

Oh, and in music news, Ben Folds Five have broken up. Hearing that made me a little sad, I really love these guys. Thankfully I managed to see 'em live on their last tour, I'd never forgive myself if they'd have split up before I was able to catch them on tour. So R.I.P. Ben Folds Five -- I'll be playing "Whatever and Ever Amen" in rememberance later on today.

then / now