in the city

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11-3-03 // 11.43 am

wait only for my bootheels to be wandering

NP: son of son of iPod on random. (Crowded House - Black And White Boy)

Spending this morning waiting for server infrastructure to be set up and for a database to truncate so I can get my work on. Otherwise, I've been drinking coffee, talking with my project-mate on approaches to the issue at hand, and trying to navigate the bureacratic hell that is my company's online health benefits registration thing. Though on the plus side, this year they've finally added domestic partner coverage, which aside from the fact that it means the company's finally entered the 21st century and is recognizing same-sex domestic couples, it also means that Erin can now be included on my health plan. Word.

(Midnight Oil - My Country)

Marc and Danielle's Halloween party was tons of fun. I didn't feel much like going all day Friday, but once I got there I was glad that I did go. Nice seeing Steve and Marc and everyone again, and also nice to meet Marc's friends 'from home' (who were very cool). I didn't drink since I had to drive home (waaay north county back to southwest city-ish), but there was good food, hilarious music ($1 compilation of metal songs performed by a 'house band' of sorts), and games of Pictionary and other charades-esque stuff. Erin and I didn't get home till like 4 am, which is a rarity for me these days, but it was great regardless.

(They Might Be Giants - Lucky Ball And Chain)

Saturday we went out for dim sum with Andy and Liz, which was as welcome as ever. I prefer Hunan, Sichuan, and everything else that I suppose is just general northern Chinese cuisine, though Cantonese is OK once in a while. It's just too sweet and dumpling/bun oriented for my general tastes. In any case, I was in a fairly foul mood for a large portion of the day, though I felt better after a quick midafternoon nap and logging some Genesis playing time. Not sure if it was the cold, gray, rainy weather, or the fact that after lunch I was forced to sit around all day waiting for the cable guy (our TV and modem had been out since Thursday), or what, but I feel like I sort of ruined the one common day off Erin and I have. Oh, and the cable guy didn't even show up at all. Much anger.

(Manics - Buildings For Dead People)

Sunday was spent doing piddly little chores around the apartment, going grocery shopping, reading the paper, listening to tunes and continuing to wait for the fucking cable guy, whom the dispatcher ensured me "would be right out first thing in the morning". To be honest, three (!!) separate cable vans drove into the apartment complex at various points in the afternoon, only to just drive right back away a minute later. What?? This went on till about 4 o'clock, at which point I called the support line (for the 6th time in two days) urging them to sort out their issues. I wasn't angry with the customer service operators, they were very nice (even giving me account credit for the days my service had been out), but I was totally fed up with basically having to waste my entire weekend sitting around waiting for their sorry asses to come fix the service I pay a lot of money for in the first place. So yeah. Eventually, around 7 o'clock a cable guy showed up. This one actually stopped, talked to me, and *gasp*, restored our service. Apparently some audit crew had come by on Thursday and mistakenly disconnected my line. Great. But it's OK, the guy who actually put things right was really courteous and helpful.

(The Byrds - Mr. Tambourine Man)

It's November and it's going to be 80 degrees out today. I'm so tired of this roller coaster weather. I'm not sure what the deal is, if it's global warming finally kicking in or if this is just a fluke year or what (this summer was fairly mild and wet, as opposed to the usual super hot and dry..last fall/winter was properly cool/cold), but I want fall to feel like fall, dammit.

OK, time to end this boring entry and get on with my Monday.

then / now