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11-5-02 // 11.07 am


NP: Electronic - "Electronic"

Bernard Sumner beats + Johnny Marr guitar + occasional apperances by Neil Tennant = pure listening joy. Well, at least for this one album. The two Electronic albums they did after this one aren't very good at all, oddly enough.

Erin got the job she interviewed for yesterday! They're starting her out at a low number of hours, which kind of stinks, but they said they're going to start upping that pretty soon after she starts. So yeah...she goes in for training this evening and tomorrow, too. Which is no fun, because she'll be leaving before I get home from work. But I'll see her later tonight...we'll relax, have dinner, talk, hang out. Be together, which is the most important bit.

We are officially going to see Tori Amos at the Fox. Managed to fairly good seats (rear orchestra), which is nice, considering the mezzanine and balcony at the Fox are a bit too far away from the stage for my liking, which doesn't quite justify the price they charge for those seats (often the same price, or only a few bucks less than the close seats).

It's raining again this morning. By my count, in the past week and a half, we've seen less than 24 hours' worth of clear or partly clear skies. Clouds and rain are fine by me, but at a certain point, you begin to feel like you're living in the dark.

What, only six responses so far to my Bono vs. Bono poll? Come on people, raise your voices on this very important issue. So far, The Fly seems to be the preferred Bono.

Speaking of which, I should probably vote today, shouldn't I? This morning I've been doing some long-overdue investigation of the local, statewide, and national issues. In my municipality, there's really nothing going on. Statewide, there's like four constitutional amdenments on the ballot, as well as one proposition. As for the national stuff, I've discovered that the Green party did manage to get a candidate on the ballot for the US Senate spot that's up for grabs. No Greens on the US House ticket here, but there is a Libertarian candidate, which is a party I'm interested in, but don't mesh with that well. I agree that too much government intervention is bad, but so is too little. conscience is telling me to vote third party, especially Green, it's a party with a platform that I mostly agree with, which is very rare for me. I honestly believe that this country needs to support minor parties in order to attain truly progressive public policies. And third parties won't grow in size or stature unless people support them. But this election cycle, I'm also somewhat driven by the fact that I think GW Bush is an absolutely terrible president, and I'd rather not see the House and Senate controlled by the Republicans (therefore making it that much easier for Mr. Bush to push through wacked out legislation). I'm not entirely sure if I want to vote Democrat this time (a choice I wouldn't make usually)...if I do, it'd only be because a Democrat controlled Congress is less bad than a Republican controlled one. I hate this conflict between pragmatic and idealistic voting.

But you know, after giving this some serious thought, I am going to take a stand and vote Green where applicable. I voted for Ralph Nader in the 2000 presidential elections (and mostly Green in that whole election), and even though I'd rather have seen Al Gore make it to the White House than GW Bush, I was and remain confident that I voted my conscience, that I supported what I believe in. It's time to do so again today. In any case, everyone else, regardless of your politics, get out there and vote today, eh?

Ack, I just realized that I am absolutely starving. Time to hunt down something to eat, then, considering my manager has scheduled a meeting for the extremely inconvenient time of 11.30am.

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