in the city

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11-6-02 // 10.27 am

wound up in some holding camp somewhere outside leeds

NP: Pulp - "We Love Life"

Drinking coffee right now, and my stomach is sort of going "urgh" because otherwise it's empty. But you know what, I'll be going back for a second cup, so it can't be that bad now, can it?

Took me forever, but I managed to vote last night. One observation, participating in the democratic process makes people extremely cranky. Though I can at least partially sympathize, nobody wants to wait in long lines immediately after getting off work. But on the other hand, come on people, just stand in line and don't be cranky, it's not that big of a deal.

Erin didn't get home till like 9.30 last night. We had a late dinner together, and it was brilliant. I dunno, there's something to be said for "alone time", but I was the happiest man alive when she walked in the door after her training. We have to do the same thing all over again tonight, but it's OK. That said, I miss her like crazy today...I wish I could've stayed this morning instead of having to go to work.

Right now I'm really looking forward to the weekend. I can'te Last weekend was kind of interrupted by work, so it didn't feel like much of one. So, yeah...

I think today I would rather sing in a rock band than be a software engineer. I'd also like to ride the metro around town, taking photos and hanging out. But that's alright, I can ride the metro another day. And I will, as I always do, sing along to whatever music is playing in the car on my drive home tonight. It's all good.

then / now