in the city

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11-7-00 // 10.14 am

P.S. you rock my world

NP: Eels - "Electro-shock Blues"

This is such a great record. The last 15 or so minutes are especially moving. It's all just so honest...sad but honest.

I had a voting adventure earlier this morning. Here's the play by play. First of all, despite the fact that I sent my registration papers in months ago, I never received my registration card. So this morning I went to what I assumed was my local precinct, only to be told that I wasn't on their list and that I was in the wrong precinct. So they sent me to city hall, where I also wasn't on the list. So the guy called the county clerk, who confirmed that I was registered -- it turns out that my registration confirmation was sent back as "undeliverable", despite the fact that they had my correct address on file. So the guy got me squared away, and I was able to cast my ballot. I voted for Ralph Nader for president, and the Green party in most places where they had a candidate running. I'll be watching the returns on TV tonight, it'll be interesting to see how things turn out.

I'm very hungry...time to go eat something before I have to go to my last class.

then / now