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11-9-00 // 7.13 am

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NP: Elton John - "Too Low for Zero"

It's entirely too early to be up. But I have to be up as In a few minutes I'm supposed to be over at the university for the Model UN. There's nothing like running a simulation of a complex multinational organization using marginally interested high school students. Why did I let Hinge and M&M talk me into doing this again? Oh, that's right...the four days of drunken debauchery at the regional university one up in St. Louis in February.

This whole election business is getting really crazy, what with the recounts, lost ballot boxes, mysteriously found ballot boxes, votes miscast due to an illegible ballot, votes disqualified for double-punching, etc. I like the rest of the world's reaction -- "just what the hell is going on down there"? Sounds about right to me.

Now I have to run. I'm the Secretary of the Security Council, you know.

then / now