in the city

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11-9-00 // 9.27 pm

like you were a ripple in my memory

NP: The Church - "Priest = Aura"

I've got a bit of a headache right now. Thankfully I only get 'em a few times a year. I took a few ibuprofen, so hopefully those do their thing.

Model UN went smoothly today. It was a long day, but I had a good time. Taking part in this thing has been good for me -- I'm always going on about never meeting new people. Well I've met some new people through this, and I think it's fantastic. I've even developed a bit of a crush on one of the girls I've been working with. She's really fun, also speaks Spanish, and is rather cute if I do say so myself. Of course, I eventually found out that she's engaged. But then, who isn't these days?

I can't believe it's still this early in the evening. I determinedly worked on my assembly assignment for quite a while. The thing doesn't work 100% correctly, but I made much more progress than I thought I'd be able to. I'll be glad to turn the thing in. I'll be even happier to be done with that class next month.

One word I really enjoy is "fishwich". One of those sounds pretty good about now, actually. Time to see what's in the fridge.

then / now