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11-10-02 // 8.39 pm

but don't forget the rizla

NP: The Streets - "Original Pirate Material"

Currently drinking a leftover bottle of Fuller's bitter from the weekend.

OK, the current musical selection...I'm not going to pretend otherwise, it's brilliant. At first, it was half novelty, and half "hey, this is rather good". You know, weedy English guy rapping, etc. But the more I listened to the songs I'd downloaded, the more I was sucked in. Yesterday (thanks to $45 I found in the grass outside our building yesterday morning), I bought the LP. And you know what, I'm absolutely loving it. I make no apologies, it's totally fantastic. The beats are solid, Mike Skinner's rhymes and diction are excellent, and of course, the lyrics are full of all of the Britishness that a sad Anglophile such as myself requires.

Erin is at work tonight. She's not supposed to be working nights, though they called her yesterday afternoon and asked if she could work some hours tonight. So she's there, which rather sucks. But she'll be home in about two hours, at which point I plan on having dinner read and waiting for her. I went out and bought curry materials earlier in the evening. So yes, curry and lager. Yum. Can't wait till Erin gets home... The apartment always feels far too cavernous when she's not here.

Don't want to go back to work tomorrow. Right now, I could easily do with a proper, week-long week off. Though I don't have enough vacation time accrued for that, and as always, there's stuff for me to do at work when I get there. Blargh.

Notes from our road trip expedition on Friday: (a) 10+ hours is a long time to be in the car in one day, and (b) putting together Swedish modular furniture is a sure-fire recpie for me becoming cranky and swearing a lot.

So yeah, the apartment has now been mostly IKEA-ized. I'm typing this from our new computer table in the study. It's big, with a nice wood top. New lamp sitting here too, and the wall hangings that have been sitting here for ages. Ah, there's no use trying to describe it, so here some pictures.

One outside corner, with sofa/futon, Cobi ('92 Summer Olympics poster brought to me from the games themselves by my aunt and uncle), lamp, and map of St. Louis.

outside corner #1, with Cobi poster, map of St. Louis, and lamp.

The other outside corner, with bookshelf (books still not on it, I'm lazy, natch), my college diploma, lemon lamp (Erin's excellent find) etc.

outside corner #2, with bookshelf, diploma, etc.

The new IKEA desk, with lamp, map of London, and cool-ass newsroom style clock.

new IKEA desk, with map of London and cool-ass newsroom clock.

then / now