in the city

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11-13-01 // 8.54 pm

these wounds are all self imposed

NP: James - "Whiplash"

The further adventures of Mike & the elusive passport continued today. I think I mentioned it before, but I tried to go to the passport office back home this past weekened, but it was closed even though they said they'd be open. Anyway, this afternoon I went to the office a few blocks away from my place...I had my two little photos, I had the completed form, I had a check to pay the application fee, I had my certificates. But upon presenting said items to the worker lady, she tells me that this won't do at all, they want a certified copy of the certificate, issued by the county clerk in Belleville...apparently the hospital birth cert. & the photocopy of the actual county records cert. isn't good enough. Man, who knew proving who I am could be so damn difficult? So when I go back up to my parents' place next week for Thanksgiving, I'm going to the county courthouse, getting my freakin' certified copy, going to the passport office in the post office the next street over, and finally getting this whole mess taken care of. I just want my passport!

I kinda have a bit of a crush on this one girl who works in the Financial Aid office. She kind of reminds me of Julia Roberts, only if she was smaller and didn't look so much like her lips have somehow been inverted. In any case, this girl is cute, she has a nice smile. Any day I have to make a delivery to Academic Hall room 123 is a day that's a little easier to get through.

I currently have about 9 pages (out of 15) written for my term paper. I thought about writing some more tonight, but I'm just not up to it. I worked this afternoon, I'm tired. My brain needs a break. Not that it's going to get much of one in the near future, addition to finishing this paper, I have two rather difficult exams at the end of this week. At least Jared's party is on Saturday...I can turn my mind off for a little while then, at least.

I wish that once in a while, someone would put as much into a relationship as I do. It's getting tiring having to be the one doing all the work.

then / now