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11-16-02 // 12.05 am

going underground

At a certain point, I need to stop listening to Erin when she asks me to "make her another drink". Eek. At least she hasn't fallen over yet.

Today has been one of those roller coaster type days. Completely up and down. Ended well, but still.

Ugh, I jus noticed that the kitchen is an absolutely frightening mess right now. In between counters sticky with days' worth of dried vodka and such, are piles of dishes, and what I think are random shards of glass from a broken champagne glass. And of course, I'm out of dish soap, so I'll have to run out tomorrow morning to buy that before I can even begin to make a dent in the piles of dirty stuff.

Saw Ryan the other night, which was cool. Not much chance to really talk, etc, but I'm sure I'll see him again sooner rather than later.

It's Saturday night...tomorrow will be Sunday, which means Monday is right around the corner. I don't want to go back to work, not quite yet. I want a week off, I want to lay around doing nothing, I want to spend all day reading and hanging around. But oh well.

then / now