in the city

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11-15-04 // 11.18 am

all the habits that I couldn't handle

Brain dump time.

Sometimes I feel like the last twenty-something white guy who isn't a DJ. I just wanted to say that I am OK with that.

We partied most heartily on Saturday night. Erin threw together a sort of last minute gathering, inviting everyone she knew and telling me to invite everyone I knew with about 48 hours notice. In my experience, that's way too short notice for a party, but according to other people I polled, it's not. Anyway, things weren't too crowded at first -- we watched "This Is Spinal Tap" and played Buzz with Teresa, Will, John, Kristin and Stephanie. I don't think I did a good enough job explaining the rules to the people who hadn't played before. Granted, it is rather complicated for a drinking game (there is math involved), but I always figured that it actually did its job as drinking game very well -- the more you screw up the more you drink which leads to more screwing up and more drinking. Eventually Andy and Pat showed up and brought with them about ten people I'd never met before. They drank some beer, talked amongst themselves and then left. Andy and Pat stayed though, which is good. Erin's coworkers Andrew and Scott also came by. At one point Scott noticed all of the Brazilian CDs in my "on top of the entertainment center" stack and insisted that I put on the Caetano Veloso one since apparently he used to live in Brazil, etc. I also think I spoke Portuguese with him for a minute, which is amazing considering I was becoming less proficient at English by this point as well. I think I spent a good portion of the rest of the evening talking about music with Will. I was rather drunk at this point -- I think I started going on about how working at Vintage Vinyl would be the most amazing job ever, but that I hate dealing with every single person who actually works there, and that I don't think I'm disdainful enough to actually work there. So yeah, around 2.30 in the morning I just ran out of steam and had to head to the bedroom and crash. According to Erin, things kept going for another hour or so before the last person left. I woke up in the morning with a raging hangover, which I deserved for drinking much more than I normally do/ever should, and also for forgetting to drink loads of water before I collapsed for the night.

So yesterday afternoon I ventured outside since the day before I'd told Steve that I'd meet up with him and hang out while he ran a bunch of errands. My brain and stomach and everything else was telling me "call him and cancel! put on sweats and hide under a blanket!", but I got up, showered and headed out anyway. Turns out it was a good decision as the hangover had mostly disappeared by 1 o'clock, leaving me with only hunger and a very worn out feeling. Mall food court Chinese food set me right in earnest, and I spent the rest of the day post-Steve chilling out at home watching football, messing with music and getting up off my butt to take a walk and go to the grocery store.

The past few months I did a really great job of losing and keeping off a bunch of weight, although I think I'm starting to gain some of it back. I have to work harder to keep myself in my beneficial exercise and dietary habits.

I had a strange dream last night where someone had slashed all four tires on my car. Either that or I ran over something that totally ripped apart all of my tires. I was seriously freaking out -- in the dream, that is. Thankfully I woke up and realized it hadn't actually happened. I didn't want to have to pay for four new tires five months after I just bought a whole new set.

Now it's time to eat a light lunch. Hopefully this afternoon I can continue avoiding having to interact with people.

then / now