in the city

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11-17-01 // 12.04 am

to pick a rose you ask your hands to bleed

NP: 10,000 Maniacs - "Our Time in Eden"

Feeling a lot better today. Tightness in the chest is nearly gone. I've had a stiff neck & nagging dull headache off and on the last few days but that seems to be waning. The strange thing is that today, for whatever reason, my right arm decided to start feeling weird. It's like it sort of aches...just kind of feels weird and occasionally sorta tingly. Currently, it's feeling less weird, but now my hand is extremely warm. I wish I knew what was going on with my body this week.

Went to the movies tonight. With my roommate, actually. We really haven't done anything together for months, so it was a bit odd for him to ask. But it was a pretty good time -- I needed to get out of the apartment for once.

Jared's party is tomorrow night. I probably won't drink, though. Not after how I've been feeling this week. So yeah, I'm going over with Marc & Danielle. We're going to meet up with Steve & Sarah and do stuff in town pre-party. Sunday I have to do course work -- that prob/stats redo exam, plus I need to finish my term paper. I've got 9 out of 15 pages finished already, at least. I still have the conclusion & a bunch of lyrical interpretation to take care of...but I know what I want to say, I think I'm good to go.

Here's it's only just after midnight and I feel like I could go to bed. The life of a university student winds to an end...

then / now