in the city

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11-22-02 // 11.17 am

she's got a map of the world pinned up on her wall

NP: Marillion - "Anoraknophobia"

I just walked outside to drop some bills and such in the mailbox, and when I walked back into the lab, my eyes were all misfiring and seeing those weird blue spots like when you accidentally look into the sun. Stupid dark cave of a lab.

I was like half an hour late to work this morning. Well, not really late, as you can pretty much start your work day whenver you want around here, as long as you put in a full day (love that flex time), but I was later than I usually am. So yeah, I was running a bit late to begin with, as I had to shave this morning, as well as check my bank balance and stop to get a tank of gas before hitting the interstate. Once I finally did get on the interstate, about halfway to the bridge, traffic came to a halt. I turned on the radio, and apparently there was a wreck (overturned car) near the last exit before the bridge. And since two interstates combine right near that, before they cross the river, it was jamming traffic up for miles in several directions. Not fun, but a good sized cup of gas station coffee and a Smiths mix minidisc got me through the wait.

So here I am at my desk. Well, I've been here for like three hours at this point, but yeah. I would definitely like to not be at my desk right now, but I can't really help that. At least I can comfort myself with the fact that I'm getting stuff done today that I need to get done, and that it's Friday. Rock on.

My bonus was included on this week's paycheck. Granted, most of it went to paying off oustanding bills and such, but it's still nice. And of course, I've still set aside like fifty bucks of it for Erin and I to blow this weekend at Borders or somewhere similarly cool.

The iBook rocks, as does sitting on the couch in the living room (or in bed) surfing the 'Net. Wireless ethernet, baby. I was going to take some pictures of the whole setup and post them here, but I forgot. Which reminds me, I need to get an extra ethernet cable so I can hook the PC up to the AirPort, so both computers can be online. Yeah, sorry about inserting a shopping list into the middle of an entry, but hey, whatcha gonna do? Anyway, Erin's become addicted to a Mac game (is it on PCs too? I don't know.) called "Tropico" It's like SimDictator -- you're the leader, you have this little island, and you're supposed to build your own banana republic. It's frighteningly indepth (you build infrastructure, make sure your population are happy, you try to make money, you court both the USA and Soviet Union for aid money), and it has fun features like being able to fix elections and jail or kill political opponents/dissidents. Oh, and there's a wide range of actual dictators to play as, all with different positive and negative traits. Brilliant. And I'm totally playing as Chairman Mao at some point.

I won a prize pack from the AllMusic Guide the other day. I reference the site constantly, and the other day I got a popup asking me to fill out a survey for them. So I did, and apparently I was selected for some prizes. I have no idea what they will be, but I'm sure I'll find out when the package arrives at my door.

Oh lord, they just distributed the corporate newsletter thing that comes out every month or so, and looking inside, there's a feature on the "diversity day" that we had a few weeks back. Guess what? There's a picture of a bunch of us from my office sitting there eating soup from the "ethnic potluck" we had at lunch that day. What's more, I'm in the picture. Well, more accurately, my head is in the picture, except for my face which is blocked out by someone else's head.

OK, I have a big surprise for Erin in the works. She already partially knows about it, but I'm totally not giving away any details or plans that I've hatched, considering she reads this here diary. But if you're keen on finding out what I'm cooking up, send me an email and I'll spill the beans.

It's almost lunchtime, thankfully. I'm starving.

then / now