in the city

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11-22-02 // 9.06 pm

I could be wrong, I could be right

NP: MP3s.

Our next-door neighbors are being extremely loud tonight. Thudding stereo on the wall that is adjacent to where I was sitting on the couch. It's obnoxious, so I moved back to the study for a while. Apparently I'm being cranky, but you know, I don't care. I loathe loud-ass neighbors like that. Long time readers will remember that I lived sandwiched between a hip-hop apartment and a horrid frat-boy apartment in college, and it made me miserable.

The MTV Europe awards are on right now, and 95% of the presenters, performers, and nominees are American. How boring.

Oh, I got a thing in the mail today from my insurance company. The total cost for Erin and my car's insurance is dropping by like 120 bucks a month starting in December, which fucking rocks. It's like getting a raise, but not, you know?

II'm on IM on the PC right now, and Erin's in the other room on the iBook. She just sic-ed her little sister on me.

I'm so glad that it's the weekend. I should go grab another beer.

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