in the city

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11-24-00 // 12.28 am

passion's a monkey you can't keep off your back

NP: Elton John - "Sleeping with the Past"

I thought of a handful of records I'd like to listen to tonight, but unfortunately I didn't bring them with me this weekend. So it's this one again -- I just don't feel like listening to anything else while I sit here and write in this thing. In a way the title describes how I've been feeling for the past couple of days.

So today was Thanksgiving, which meant I watched a bit of football & consumed turkey & all that goes with it, beer, coffee, pie, etc. I never stuff myself, but if there's one day of the year in which to do just that, it's this day. I now probably don't have to eat another meal for a couple of days.

Now (well, before I decided to do an entry) I'm sitting around reading magazines and half paying attention to some show on TV about this professor trying to "debunk" the Atlantis myth. I'm trying to decide what I want to do tomorrow. I have half a mind to take the metro into St. Louis and get a curry at that Indian place on the landing. But I also want to hang out with Adam & Robyn while there's still a chance, so I'll probably give them a ring before I decide for sure.

Tonight it's kind of cold outside. It rained a little bit earlier, but now the clouds have sort of cleared away. So now I can see the stars, which is really nice. I can also see the city lights off in the distance. I like looking out of the larger window in this bedroom -- it's a good view, a familiar view. I know the outlines of the street's houses and trees against the night sky. It's comforting in a way that I can't explain.

There's a lot more I could write about tonight, but instead I think that I'll turn off the lights and just let the thoughts run through my mind for a change.

then / now