in the city

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11-25-00 // 12.45 am

slow emotion replay

NP: The The - "Dusk"

It's a rainy, cold night out. This evening I went out with Adam & Robyn. We got some dinner, saw a movie, etc. He's shipping out two weeks from tonight. Though I'm heading back down to school in a couple of days, so this weekend will be the last I see of him for who knows how long. I mean, it's not like I'll never see him again, because I will. But somehow at the back of my mind I sense that things are never going to be the same. But at the same time, that makes me feel rather selfish, as despite the fact that I think there's a much easier way to do things, I know this is what he wants to do with his life. So a while back I resigned myself to just be there for him (and for Robyn, I know how hard this must be for her), to be his friend as we've been for the past seven years. That doesn't mean it'll be any easier to say goodbye on Sunday.

This is a good album to be listening to right now...Matt Johnson knows what he's talking about. It's basically the aural equivalent of a cold, rain-soaked midnight hour. If you happen to own this particular record, you'll know what I mean when I say I'm also feeling lost, lonely, and lustful.

then / now